Vegan Protein

Many a time, vegans consume less protein than their omnivorous and vegetarian counterparts. In athletes and physically active individuals, micronutrient insufficiency is a matter of concern. In vegetarians 20% of proteins comes from dairy and plant milk, cheese, yoghurt, eggs, legumes, nuts, and vegetarian protein alternatives, and in vegans around 15% comes from plant milk, legumes, vegetarian alternatives, and nuts. Non-essential amino acids like arginine and pyruvigenic amino acids glycine, alanine, serine are found in higher quantities in vegetarian proteins. This non-essential amino acids decreases insulin and increases glucagon (hormone that regulates sugar levels, like insulin). This in turn provides a reduction of atherosclerosis risk factors as well as a reducing the risk of cancer development. Adequacy of vitamin B12, iron, zinc, calcium, iodine and vitamin D intakes should be kept in mind while designing a vegan diet. Cureka gives several options in proteins including vegan protein powder which can be taken by vegetarians or vegans as per individual preference.... Read more..