PRESBYOPIA (Ageing Eyes)


PRESBYOPIA (Ageing Eyes)

You must have seen every person above the age of 50 years develops problems with vision, this is usually is “PRESBYOPIA”. This term means a refractive error condition where the loss of ability to see clearly at a normal working distance, while even fully corrected distance vision. It affects 100% of the population by 5th decade of life. It occurs due to progressive loss of accommodation with age where the ciliary muscles (inside the eye) action is weakened to change the shape of the lens for near.

Treatment methods: Near vision optical aids.

  • Near vision glasses or reading glasses
  • Magnifying lenses

Bifocal glasses for distance and near vision

Progressive lenses for distance, intermediate and near vision.

Bifocal contact lenses are available

Surgical corrections like CASIK (laser surgery) commonly heard of: laser ablation is done on the cornea.

Intra corneal inlays implantation where a ring segment with an aperture is placed in between the corneal layers.

Presbyopic lens are exchanged of the natural lens and replaced with an intraocular implant.

Phakic intraocular lens implantation is a procedure wherein an implant is placed in front of the natural lens.

Aphakic  intraocular lens implantation is when a multifocal or an accommodative implant is placed after removing the natural lens.

All of the above mentioned surgical methods will be suggested by the treating doctor according the need of the patient and the feasibility of the procedures to the respective patients.

Avoiding use of spectacle correction for near vision can cause eye strain, headaches, increase in dry eye symptoms and eye fatigability affording the quality of life.

Spectacle power change may be required once a year or once in 2 years depending upon the individuals. Regular yearly eye check up with an eye care professional is required once in a year without fail.
