Calcium Supplements: Tablets Vs Gummies. Which is Better?

Calcium Supplements: Tablets Vs Gummies. Which is Better?

Calcium is the most abundant mineral that your body needs to maintain strong bones and to perform several essential functions. Everyone knows this. What’s special about calcium? We always associate calcium with bones and teeth. But not only that, it also plays an important role in blood clotting, supports muscle contraction, enzyme activation, cell signaling, hormone secretion and nerve function. So, it is important to safeguard your bone’s strength and protect against fractures as you age.

Mothers often insist that their children drink milk because they think milk is a primary source of calcium, a mineral vital for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. While milk is a significant source of calcium, there are plenty of other foods that are rich in calcium.

Dairy products such as 

  1. Cheese
  2. Yogurt
  3. Milk are the rich source of calcium.

Others like 

  1. Seeds
  2. Leafy greens
  3. Beans and lentils
  4. Almonds
  5. Canned salmon etc. are the few more calcium enhanced foods.

For an adult, 1000mg of calcium is required per day to meet the healthy standard. Relying fully on the dietary plan is quite impossible in a fast-paced lifestyle. Supplements can be a practical solution for people who have difficulty meeting their daily calcium needs through their diet. They provide a convenient and concentrated source of calcium, ensuring that individuals meet their daily requirement. Now-a-days calcium supplements are available in two forms: Carbonate and Citrate.

Calcium Carbonate: 

  • It is a good option for people with normal stomach acid levels who can effectively absorb calcium without experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort or constipation.
  • Recommended to take with meals to increase calcium carbonate absorption.

Calcium Citrate:

  • Calcium citrate is betterabsorbedinacidicenvironments,so it is a better option for people with low stomach acid levels.
  • Calcium citrate can be taken with or without food. Calcium citrate is available in a variety of formulations, including chewable and liquid forms.

It is always important to consult your doctor before starting a new supplement to ensure the required need of an individual. Ultimately, the choice between calcium tablets and gummies comes down to personal preference, health needs, and lifestyle. Let’s look more into the features of each side.

Unique characteristics of gummies: 

  1. Savory and Convenience: Calcium-supplemented gummies come in multiple flavours, from fruity to dessert-like options. The variety of flavours allows everyone to find a flavour that suits their taste, which makes the supplement more enjoyable. They offer a more comfortable and convenient way to incorporate important nutrients into your daily life.
  2. Child Friendly: Gummies attract people of all ages by its delicious nature. Even children who are resistant to traditional supplements are often willing to take calcium gummies. Regulating healthy habits from an early age is crucial for lifelong well-being. With its appealing taste and chewing style, calcium-supplemented gum makes it easy for parents to teach their children good nutritional habits, laying the foundation for strong, healthy bones.
  3. Absorption Level: Calcium supplement gummies are formulated to be easy to chew and absorb, promoting efficient nutrient absorption. It is also reassurance that the tasty form does not compromise the nutrient’s effectiveness.
  4. Dietary Gaps: For people with dietary restrictions such as lactose intolerance, or those following a vegetarian or vegan diet, calcium supplement gummies can be a valuable source of this essential mineral. These provide an alternative to traditional milk-based calcium sources and help individuals meet their daily needs.

Potential benefits of Tablets:

  1. High Calcium Concentration: Tablets often contain high concentrations of calcium, making them ideal for people with certain nutritional deficiencies. Highly concentrated calcium tablets allow you to meet your daily calcium needs with fewer tablets, promoting supplement compliance.
  2. Additional Nutrients: Many calcium pills are not just about calcium; they come fortified with vitamin D and magnesium which are beneficial for calcium absorption and overall bone health.Additional nutrients are often added to create a comprehensive formula that supports optimal bone health and overall health.
  3. Stability and Shelf Life: Tablets are like the wise elders of the dietary supplement family, stable and long-lasting. It will withstand the test of time without conceding to light or moisture.

How does calcium benefit the whole system?

  • Maintaining strong and healthy bones
  • Essential for dental health and oral hygiene
  • Supports muscle function, including the heart muscles
  • Prevents excessive bleeding in case of injuries
  • Involves in nerve signal transmission for between nerve cells
  • Contributes to the overall metabolic health
  • In pregnancy, it is essential for the baby’s bone development
  • For postmenopausal women, brace the bone density and reduce the risk of fractures

Calcium cannot be produced by the body itself, so it must be obtained through diet or supplements. Calcium supplements are for those who couldn’t obtain the daily requirement through dieting to ensure you reap the benefits without compromising your overall health. It is important to maintain a balanced and moderate approach by incorporating calcium-replenishing gummies or tablets into your balanced lifestyle to take a step toward building your skeletal system’s strength and recovery.

You can find out a wide range of calcium and other supplements at
