Is Protein Necessary for Everyone or for Sportsmen?


Is Protein Necessary for Everyone or for Sportsmen?

Earlier protein powders were exclusively used by bodybuilders and sportsperson; Nowadays protein powder has become essential for everybody like kids, moms to be, elderly, home workout personnel, person under weight loss journey and anyone who wanted to follow an active lifestyle. But the usage varies according to the benefit required based on what type of protein one should choose and read on to the blog to get the answer related to protein consumption.

Recommended Protein Allowance

The current international Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 g per kg of body weight (BW), To meet the functional needs such as promoting skeletal-muscle protein accretion and physical strength, dietary intake of 1.0, 1.3, and 1.6 g protein per kg body weight (BW) per day is recommended for individuals with minimal, moderate, and intense physical activity, respectively.

So what happens if we take high protein than the recommended allowance? Protein is known to be more satiating than other macronutrients, and it is unclear whether diets high in plant proteins affect the appetite of older adults as they should be recommended for individuals at risk of malnutrition. Chronic high protein intake (>2 g per kg BW per day for adults) may result in digestive, renal, and vascular abnormalities and should be avoided.

There is no rule that physically active individuals require more dietary protein than individuals with sedentary lifestyle. However, when protein in sole source of energy required for the day, physically active and sedentary individuals have similar requirements (approximately 12 to 15% of total energy as protein). Therefore, to cover the protein requirements of both physically active individuals and sedentary individuals it is suggested that protein allowances should be based on percentage of the daily energy requirements. While increasing physical activity increase your protein intake too.

Protein for Intense Workout

It’s a myth that athletes require only protein. But the fact is that Endurance athletes should focus on achieving adequate carbohydrate intake to promote optimal performance; Then why do they need protein?  They need protein as it may help to offset muscle damage and promote recovery. During endurance exercise, protein synthesis is depressed and protein degradation increases. Athletes should consider focusing on whole food sources of protein that contain all of the EAAs (Essential amino acids as the EAAs are required to stimulate MPS (muscle protein synthesis). Proteins also aid in an elevated level of functioning and adapts to the exercise stimulus. One trusted resource state that it’s recommended to consume 0.14–0.23 grams of protein per pound of body weight (0.3–0.5 grams/kg) very soon after a workout.

Experts suggest that if you consume carb and protein rich meal an hour before exercising your body benefits from that meal even after the activity/workout.

Thus we can say that eat a post workout meal/drink within a few hours after exercising  and delay it depending on the timing of your pre workout meal.

Whey Protein

One of the popular sports proteins is whey. whey protein as a valuable supplemental source for individuals aiming to maximize their recovery from muscle damage post workout and for adaptation to resistance exercise.  For better physical performance whey protein supplements are recommended. Higher absorption of whey protein, strength& energy for longer period of time, essential amino acids  and high proportion of branched chain amino acids in whey makes it an ideal ergogenic aid compared to other protein. Sportsperson and intense workout persons even if they have the ideal weight are also encouraged to use whey protein for maintaining the muscle mass. Whey protein in supplements are available in the form of isolate, concentrate, hydrolysate, denature and also protein bars. Whey protein not only delivers energy and stamina but also gains muscle mass and recovers muscle post workout.

Research states that Consuming whey protein after exercise in the morning contributed to the maintenance of a greater whole body protein balance when compared to carbohydrate supplements

Protein for Weight Management

Even though we exercise and keep ourself active We get the feel of something missing while standing on the weight scale to get the proper weight. Yes you are right the one you miss is your protein. How to identify that you miss protein? Your whole body projects lack of protein with symptoms like fatigue, weakness, muscle soreness, brittle hair, dry skin , improper weight gain/ loss etc.

RDA recommendation of protein intake is ideal i.e., 0.8 g per kg of body weight as discussed before. One can also include protein powder on regular basis to support their weight management protocol.

However, commonly consumed sources of dietary protein also delivers nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, potassium, dietary fiber, iron, and folate, which have been identified as nutrients of “concern” (i.e., intakes are often lower than recommended).

Does hunger pangs make you consume unhealthy snacks? Do you think its strenuous workout, physical activity, improper diet, poor metabolism which leads to hunger pangs during weight loss/gain? Along with this, deficiency of appropriate nutrients is also a reason for this untimely hunger and this is often unnoticed by anyone.  So people end up consuming snacks that satiate the palate and fill the stomach but fails when it comes to fulfilling the body’s nutritional requirement.

Soy Protein

Protein found in soybeans that is used to replace animal proteins are referred to as soy protein.

Soybean is a legume that contains no cholesterol, are low in saturated fat and contains all eight essential amino acids. It is a good source of fiber, iron, calcium, zinc, and B vitamins. Researchers have proven that isolated soy protein with isoflavones (ISF) slightly decreased LDL cholesterol thus controlling obesity .

Cureka has soy proteins in form of powders and protein bars in different flavours for every palate.

Protein for Healthy Adults

In our constant effort to live a better and healthy life common people always miss on the consumption of important nutrients. After the age of 30 muscle loss starts naturally. We all know that as we grow our nutritional requirements vary and we need healthy diet to protect ourselves from disease, improve our muscle strength and immunity. A healthy meal should always never miss protein requirement.

Most people face muscle fatigue but no one pays attention to strengthen the muscles or to recover muscle health . We just blame we are aged so its common. Even though it is common its recoverable.

Which Protein Food is Best?

A protein rich drink is beneficial for people of all age groups. It comes in several flavours, so you can include a protein drink in your diet which can easily take care of daily protein needs.

Especially women who goes through various hormonal changes , iron deficiency poor muscle health is common. Just think as a women who goes through different roles in her life from daughter to mother and working woman to management head do you feel tired after household chores Or at the end of the long day of work? Protein deficiency and anemia might be the common reason which leads to muscle fatigue and weakness. So what next? Fulfil all your duties and roles with appropriate protein intake in the form of health drink / natural protein sources.

Age appropriate protein supplements are available in Cureka and women can get their protein supplements that vary during pregnancy, lactation, menopause. Adult proteins are available in healthcare market for people with diabetes, kidney problems, cardio vascular issues. Consult your doctor before choosing the right protein for your healthy living while managing the disease conditions, if any.


Protein under nutrition results in stunting, physical weakness, edema, vascular dysfunction, and impaired immunity. Protein supplementation after an evening bout of resistance exercise or following morning, can attenuate overnight fasted-state protein losses and enhance exercise performance recovery. Plant and animal proteins also delivers other essential micro nutrients required for quality lifestyle.

Try to make these little changes in your life and always stay healthy!!
